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Warhammer World feel like the Lair of an Evil Organization

Warhammer World feel like the Lair of an Evil Organization

When we talk about the bases of operations of evil organizations in anime and cartoons, we imagine those places with thunder, black and red and such. Warhammer World feel like the Lair of an Evil Organization and because of that a photo of the place went viral on the Japanese internet.

Basically Warhammer is a miniature wargame, very popular in the UK, so you have what I would call robot figures and such. And there are Warhammer World, which are stores that sell products from the series and from what I saw they also have exhibitions etc.

Recently on the Japanese internet a publication on social networks had more than 1.5 million views due to the comment that the person made in the post, he published the photo below of a Warhammer World:

Warhammer World feel like the Lair of an Evil Organization

What does it look like to you? For this Japanese guy, after seeing this Warhammer World, he said that it looks like the place where an evil organization could stand and it really does, the war robot statue in front, the symbol on the building and the colors of the building really give that impression.

Does Warhammer World feel like the Lair of an Evil Organization? Japanese opinion

The Japanese mostly liked the place and seemed quite excited that such a place exists, as far as I could see the pictures above are from London. Anyway, these were just some of the comments made:

“Very cool!”

“In case of emergency the stone statue starts to move”

“An Open Secret Society”

“I would like to see the boss of this location being voiced by Naya Gorou

“It’s practically a secret society of evil”

“We have to call the Kamen Rider!”

Does this Warhammer World feel like the lair of an Evil Organization to you too? When I laid eyes on it for the first time, and I had never heard of Warhammer World, it really seemed like the kind of thing people discussed about war issues.

Arigas: Otori