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Otaku Culture

Raikage steals your waifu with this Netorare Filter

Raikage rouba a sua waifu com Filtro Netorare

A Taiwanese artist created a filter that steals any possible wife, girlfriend or waifu that you could have!

He took the Raikage from the Naruto anime, which for some strange reason is very chosen for doujins and netorare fanarts, mixed it with the “Yeah Boy” meme and the result is this:

Raikage rouba a sua waifu com Filtro Netorare


Now it’s simply putting any waifu next to the Raikage and that’s it, NETORARE all the same time. In this way a lot of people ended up taking advantage and made several and several montages of netorare:

Artista cria FILTRO Netorare 02 Artista cria FILTRO Netorare 01 Artista cria FILTRO NTR 03 Artista cria FILTRO NTR 02

Raikage Netorare Filter also Steals Cosplayers

It’s not just anime or game waifus that can be stolen, the artist printed the game and took it to an event where cosplayers also played netorare with the Raikage:

Artista cria FILTRO Netorare 06Artista cria FILTRO Netorare 05 Artista cria FILTRO Netorare 04 Artista cria FILTRO Netorare 03

Netorare is becoming more and more popular in the otaku environment, so much so that they’ve already gone back and discovered a social network where real people allow their wives and girlfriends to bond with others!