Crazy for Anime Trivia

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Otakus teach to see H Content on Twitter!

Otakus teach to see H Content on Twitter!

Otakus teach to see H content on Twitter! It was a Japanese user of the social network who shared some interesting information about the platform’s search box.

Otakus teach to see H Content on Twitter!

It showed that if you enter the following code in the search box: ”filter:follows -filter:safe” this will result in a series of posts that the platform considers sensitive content.

The ”filter:follows” code causes the search to return only posts made by users you follow, while the second ”-filter:safe” code ignores normal posts.

The same goes for H content, if you add for example ”-netorare”, you will be directed to a series of H content on the platform.


It is important to note that this depends on the type of account you follow on Twitter, as only posts from people you follow will appear, but if you search for ”-filter:safe” you should find very naughty posts.

Source: Otakomu

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