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Otaku Culture

Otaku Circle Princess image generated by an AI is questionable

Otaku Circle Princess image generated by an AI is questionable

Recently, a Japanese Twitter user shared an AI-generated image of a Otaku Circle Princess, and it showed that the AI was not able to make a decent group.

But before that.

What would be an “Otaku Circle Princess?”

Basically it is as follows, the term in Japan is called “Otasaa no Hime” and translates as “Otaku Circle Princess”, Circle can be a group/club etc.

Basically it works like this, imagine that there is a manga club in a school, full of boys and then a girl decides to join, she turns out to be the beauty in that group full of men.

So imagine groups at science universities where there are many men, having a woman in the group is something unexpected, because there are few women in an environment full of men (usually ugly), men end up treating them like “princesses”.

The manga and anime Genshiken portrayed this by having a female character in a club full of men.

Image of Otaku Circle Princess generated by an AI is questionable

An “obvious mistake” was pointed out in making the group. Otaku appear too attractive to be in such a group.

Otaku Circle Princess image generated by an AI is questionable

What did Japanese users say about it?

”An AI-generated image of an Otaku Circle Princess made the otakus very beautiful”

”If you look closely, all their faces are distorted like parasites and it’s scared as fuck”

”Your eyes look disgusting (probably because they all look the same). The AI will likely learn from this and eventually get over it”

”All the characters that appear in the Korean manga LINE are like this”

”I’m curious how to make it properly portray an ‘Otaku Circle Princess’, to be honest. Maybe something like ‘girl who is spoiled by otaku’ or ‘girl who is hot enough to be treated like a princess in an otaku group’, but that can make girls look really cute”

”They all have the same faces, like brothers”

”Otaku aren’t used to body contact, so there’s no way they can touch shoulders without being unnatural”

”I mean, I think it’s impressive that I was able to do something like that, but are they attractive? Do they look pretty normal to me?”

Otaku Circle Princess image generated by an AI is questionable

One user noted that the AI made the Otaku Princess wear a wedding ring, hinting at the possibility that she was an adulteress, not to mention her ripped skirt.

Another user posted what would be a photo showing what this kind of “Otaku Circle Princess” looks like in reality:

Via:  Twitter

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