Crazy for Anime Trivia

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Strage Japan

Mascot of the Japan Self-Defense Forces is a Furry

Mascot of the Japan Self-Defense Forces is a Furry

The new Mascot of the Japan Self-Defense Forces is a Furry! recently announced new official mascots where we can see a variety of pets and cute designs based on real life stuff.

We have a radar van with anime eyes:

Mascot of the Japan Self-Defense Forces is a Furry

A samurai whose weapon is a big fish:

Mascot of the Japan Self-Defense Forces is a Furry

Mascot of the Japan Self-Defense Forces is a Furry

And now comes the most interesting thing, Japan’s self-defense forces adopted the animal known as ”Omaneko”, a furry creature whose height can vary between 1.76 to 40 meters, a very athletic animal. Check out some images below:

Mascot of the Japan Self-Defense Forces is a Furry

Detail, he is a man. This topic generated a number of comments online:


“I feel a strong attachment and preference, this is what Japan is all about. It’s okay for it to be male, right?”

“The Self-Defense Forces are coming to a doujin event? lol”

“There are definitely furries in Shizuoka Prefecture.”

“I like that they’re including annotations.”

“There are already situations where they have to explicitly state that the character is male in the bottom left corner of the screen, right…?”

“The Self-Defense Forces…? Isn’t it supposed to be defense only? What’s with the offensive approach?”

“There are already quite a few fan arts, it’s hilarious.”

“It’s quite insane, isn’t it?”

“This is definitely an invitation to lewdness.”

“I can’t help but laugh at the fact that they’re participating in KemoKetto.”

Here it is! A very cute pet that was adopted as the official mascot of Japan’s self-defense forces.

Via: Otakomu

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