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Kentaro Yabuki’s Illustration to Celebrate Chapter 100 of Ayakashi Triangle

Kentaro Yabuki's Illustration to Celebrate Chapter 100 of Ayakashi Triangle

Ayakashi Triangle or AyaTri is a fantasy and romantic comedy manga series that tells the story of a childhood ninja exorcist named Matsuri Kamazaki as he tries to defend his friend Suzu Kanade from evil spirits called ayakashi.

Kentaro Yabuki’s illustration to celebrate Chapter 100 of Ayakashi Triangle features Matsuri as a girl. First, let’s take a look at the first promotional illustration for Ayakashi’s Triangle manga:

illustration to celebrate chapter 100

Now, this is Kentaro Yabuki’s illustration to celebrate chapter 100 of Ayakashi Triangle:

illustration to celebrate chapter 100

Ayakashi Triangle Synopsis

Japan may be filled with mysterious monsters known as ”ayakashi”, but there’s also a ninja force of exorcists to contain the threat! Young ninja exorcist Matsuri spends his days fighting ayakashi to protect his childhood friend Suzu. However, one day, an ayakashi cat named Shirogane appears before them and things turn upside down!

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