Crazy for Anime Trivia

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Hana Kimura’s mother criticizes Oshi no Ko

Hana Kimura's mother criticizes Oshi no Ko

Hana Kimura’s mother criticizes Oshi no Ko for its 6th episode, if you’ve been watching the Oshi no Ko anime, you know that the story is about people in the entertainment world and the anime isn’t afraid to show the things that happen in the backstage.

One of the parts of the story involves a reality dating show in which Aqua participates with 5 other people, 3 boys and 3 girls. In the anime, at a certain point in the program, Akane ends up hurting Yuki (unintentionally), the two soon make up but the producers decide to just show Akane hurting Yuki without showing that they resolved themselves soon after.

The result of this is that Akane starts getting a lot of mean comments online and she gets to the point where she tries to kill herself:

Hana Kimura's mother criticizes Oshi no Ko

Oshi no Ko based on a true story

For those who don’t know, this part of the Oshi no Ko story was clearly inspired by a real case that took place in 2020 in Japan.

There was a reality show called Terrace House that brought together 3 men and 3 women and they lived together in a house, Hana Kimura was participating and she received pressure from the producers to act more acidic.

The producers created a situation where one of the participants ruined Hana’s clothes and forced her to react in an irritated way and slap him, Hana refused to slap him, just taking the cap off his head.

Enough was enough, Hana started getting a lot of mean comments online and she broke down, taking her life. But now Hana Kimura’s mother criticizes Oshi no Ko for airing this episode.

Hana Kimura’s mother criticizes Oshi no Ko

Hana Kimura’s mother then learned about the Oshi no Ko anime, which has the same situation in Akane’s arc as Hana Kimura’s, but for Hana’s mother this was bad. She published:

“By using a true story like this, don’t they realize how much it hurts those who care about Hana? Also, airing this anime close to the anniversary of her death?

It’s for the sake of sales, it’s to generate buzz, they try every method, from the bottom of my heart I disdain it. To all Hana fans, I absolutely do not want you to watch this.”

Apparently it seems that fans were under the impression that Hana’s mother had given permission for Akasaka to place this arc in Oshi no Ko, so one person asked if she had received any contact from the anime/manga production to allow the reference .

Hana’s mother responded with, “Of course not, I didn’t get any contact from the production side, it was through your tweets and heartbreaking stories from people close to me that I found out about this.”

Reading the comments that the Japanese made about the situation, I saw people confused, as they thought that the manga “was allowed” to pay homage to Hana in its story.

Others were on the side of the anime and the author, Aka Akasaka, because it is important to show this to the public, there are already people who also want the anime production to manifest itself on the declarations of Hana Kimura’s mother.

Via: Tweetsoku

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