With a Dream of Drawing Shonen Manga, an Author Earns Insane Income from Hentai
On November 30, ANN News published a report about aspiring mangaka living in a building where each dreams of having a career as a manga artist while producing their own original works.
The entire program is quite interesting, but the story of one of these aspiring mangaka caught the attention of Japanese internet users. It was about an aspiring artist named “Match Hakase,” a 25-year-old.
He showcased his small room where, while dreaming of becoming a mangaka and having his series published, he draws hentai manga to generate income and support himself.
With a Dream of Drawing Shonen Manga, an Author Earns Insane Income from Hentai
Hakase managed to earn millions of yen with his hentai manga, Jinken Hakai Koujou! He released the manga in 2023, and so far, it has sold 96,287 copies on DLsite. According to his calculations, this generated around R$1,596,394.60 (approximately $315,000 USD)!
The program highlighted how this is an astounding figure, not commonly achieved by those who draw hentai manga. In May of this year, Hakase released a sequel to Jinken Hakai Koujou, which has sold over 15,000 copies to date.
Even though he has earned a significant amount with just two hentai manga created to generate income, Hakase says his real dream is to draw a shonen manga and that he would abandon hentai for it.
How did the Japanese react?
- “Even so, he’s still aiming for mainstream magazines.”
- “This is inspiring.”
- “I saw his work, and the art is average, so I don’t understand why it sells so much. Maybe it appeals to many people’s fetishes.”
- “Amazing, honestly.”
- “What sells is erotic content.”
- “If he goes to Magazine, even a little erotica would work.”
- “He could draw erotic manga monthly while trying to enter the shonen market.”
- “Many erotic manga artists end up joining Magazine or Jump. With skill, he could get there. The dream would be to be like Oh! Great.”
- “An erotic manga that sells 100,000 copies is elite-level. On DLsite, only a few titles reach that number.”
If you’re curious about his hentai manga, click here.
via Voce Sabia Anime