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This is how an AI drew Cloud from Final Fantasy 7

This is how an AI drew Cloud from Final Fantasy 7

The name ”Cloud” can make certain AI programs bug. Considering that ”cloud” is cloud in English, but it is also the name of one of the characters in Final Fantasy.

A Twitter user decided to play around with an AI program (Midjourney) that generates images, asking the system to provide an image of the ”Final Fantasy 7 Cloud”, and this was the result:

This is how an AI drew Cloud from Final Fantasy 7

That’s how the AI designed the Cloud from Final Fantasy 7, worse than that, you can’t say that the system was wrong, right?

In short, image generators are like a high-tech version of asking ”What image comes to mind when you hear the words…”, from which the program searches the internet for connections between those words and images, it tries to find commonalities between the examples and then try to use those similarities as building blocks to create a new image. So it gave this very funny result.

People managed to completely bug the program precisely because of the name ”Cloud”, so this fusion of the character with a cloud. Check out a second result below:

This is how an AI drew Cloud from Final Fantasy 7

Here are some reactions from the internet:

”Yeah, that’s Cloud-y, all right.”

”I bet when it rains, that cloud drops Meteors.”

”These Jenova cells are really something, aren’t they?.”

”Looks more like a Chocobo cloud to me.”

”Man, that AI has a GREAT sense of humor.”

The fusion of Cloud from Final Fantasy with a cloud matched perfectly with the game’s logo, check it out below:

This is how an AI drew Cloud from Final Fantasy 7

Anyway, what did you think of how this AI drew Cloud from Final Fantasy? Basically turning the Cloud into a cloud of hair?