Crazy for Anime Trivia

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Strage Japan

Half of single young people don’t want children in Japan

Half of single young people don't want children in Japan

Few people are having children in Japan and Half of single young people don’t want children in Japan . For you to have an idea, the number of babies born dropped to less than 800,000 last year, it’s the first time this has happened since records began in 1899, that is, Japan suffers from low birth rates.

It is worth remembering that we have already reported here that Japan had a record number of young Japanese people who have no intention of getting married, thus making it impossible to have romantic relationships that could result in the birth of babies.

Half of single young people don’t want children in Japan

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What we’re bringing you today is a survey of 400 respondents where they cited things like financial concerns and the burden of parenting. Overall, 49.4% said they did not want to have children, separated by gender, men who do not want to have children reached 53% while 45.6% of women do not want to have children.

The survey also noted a drop in the number of men and women actively trying to have children, something that may reflect Japan’s work culture and couples spending less time together.

The reasons why the Japanese are not having children can be many, the enormous responsibility, economic concerns, sacrifices, in short, one thing is certain: Japan suffers from a low birth rate.

Via: Mainichi

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