Crazy for Anime Trivia

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Subaru would fall in love with Aqua if he went to the world of Konosuba

Subaru would fall in love with Aqua if he went to the world of Konosuba

Can you imagine a romance between the useless Goddess Aqua and Subaru? For, according to Re:Zero author Tappei, Subaru would fall in love with Aqua if he went to the world of Konosuba. Simply because it embodies the author’s tastes.

Could you imagine Subaru in love with Aqua? And would Aqua reciprocate that or would she just see him as another useless like Kazuma from her series?

subaru se apaixonaria pela aquasubaru se apaixonaria pela aqua

Subaru would fall in love with Aqua if he went to the world of Konosuba

Subaru would take the useless Goddess to live under the same roof! Can you imagine what the relationship between the two would be like? I think it would be one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen in the anime universe.

The two ended up interacting in the anime Isekai Quartet, which is a crossover between ReZero, Overlord, Konosuba and Youjo Senki and at least the two have a “moment”. Anyway, Tappei said this in a joint interview of him with the author of Konosuba in 2016.

Subaru would fall in love with Aqua if he went to the world of Konosuba

Do you think this crazy relationship would work?

Source: Ice