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Writer Says Quality of Light Novels Has Changed Because of Editors

Writer Says Quality of Light Novels Has Changed Because of Editors

What do you think of current light novels? From these last years, many I present here on the site and being honest, most don’t really have any mega impactful stories, they are usually silly things (not least because this is the focus of my posts, to present light novels with strange stories).

A person who is writing webnovels has shared a series of posts to which he talks about what he is thinking of the current light novel industry status.

He says that light novels have changed a lot in the last 10 years, the impression he has is that today having an editor who together with the author creates the story is something that has disappeared.

Writer Says Quality of Light Novels Has Changed Because of Editors
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Editors are usually people who study a lot about story construction and help authors to work these stories satisfactorily.

He says that there used to be meetings between authors and their editors where the two thought together about the next course of the story, with the editor always suggesting things to improve the story.

But we’re currently in a system where publishers simply “pick what’s popular on the web.” With web novel sites, where the author writes alone without guidance, editors and publishers have simply taken what is popular and turned it into a light novel without much change.

What do you think of his statement?