Survey reveals harassment of seiyuus in Japan
The 2023 White Paper on Measures to Prevent Deaths from Overwork, which was approved by the Japanese government, revealed the harassment of seiyuus in Japan.
In relation to sexual harassment, more than 20% of actors, stunt doubles, voice actors and announcers said they had suffered sexual harassment.
Survey reveals harassment of seiyuus in Japan
In particular, one in four voice actors and announcers reported having suffered from it. A survey was carried out between October and December last year with 640 people who work in the entertainment industry.
Among those who responded, voice actors and announcers had the highest percentage of people who experienced sexual harassment, such as ”being touched more than necessary by someone I work with” or ”being forced into a sexual relationship” xual” at 25.7%, actors/stunt artists 20.4% and writers/creators 16.7%.
In terms of general harassment, the most common response was ”Someone I work with told me offensive things”, with just under 70% of voice actors and announcers and just over 50% of actors and stunt performers.
The government plans to work to prevent harm by releasing guidelines for building appropriate contractual relationships in the field of culture and the arts, including model contracts released in July last year.
via: Yaraon
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