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Ceiling in Kakkou no Iinazuke Episode 9 Sparks Discussion

Ceiling in Kakkou no Iinazuke Episode 9 Sparks Discussion
Ceiling in Kakkou no Iinazuke Episode 9 Sparks Discussion

Did you know that a simple ceiling in Kakkou no Iinazuke episode 9 could generate a little discussion on Japanese Twitter? And we even have fanservice scenes in this episode, like the girl above.

She appears to be half-naked, but apparently we have people who didn’t want to notice the girl, but the ceiling behind her, yes, the ceiling!

The “complaint” here is that the house where this character lives is a mansion, it’s huge, as you can see in the scene below, it’s a very large two-story house, with a balcony, a very modern design, something really rich.

Ceiling in Kakkou no Iinazuke Episode 9 Sparks Discussion
Ceiling in Kakkou no Iinazuke Episode 9 Sparks Discussion

What happens here is that the type of ceiling that was shown in the anime, gray with darker dots, is a ceiling you find in public places, it’s a cheap type of ceiling in Japan.

Kebiyama himself explained:

[su_quote]Gyptone is a kind of decorative plasterboard, a building material often used for ceilings in offices and public buildings. Normally, the plasterboard is screwed to the ceiling and then finished with cloth or paint, it is cosmetically processed from the beginning, so the installation is completed by simply attaching it to the ceiling, saving time and effort. The screws are also imperceptible.[/su_quote]

Ceiling in Kakkou no Iinazuke Episode 9 Sparks Discussion
Ceiling in Kakkou no Iinazuke Episode 9 Sparks Discussion

Below are some reactions:

“I think it’s a matter of the director’s taste”

“It’s because nobody knows what the inside of a mansion looks like”

“The way this house is, must have been a lot of work for the interior decorators”

“This is more a matter of the quality of the anime team, I know a guy who works in animation and he told me that he has traveled a lot to do research”

“KyoAni often does location research for his works”

And you, what do you think? We’ve reached a point where not even a half-naked (or naked) girl can stop certain otakus from complaining about the ceiling!

Seen in: Yonepo.

Crazy for Anime Trivia is a site originally in Brazilian Portuguese, this post is a machine translation. Want to help? Send us an email at [email protected] (Please be patient as we may take some time to respond).

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