Crazy for Anime Trivia

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Confirming if Arima Kana cries in 10 Seconds in Oshi no Ko

Confirmando se Arima Kana chora em 10 Segundos em Oshi no Ko

Confirming if Arima Kana cries in 10 seconds in Oshi no Ko! In the first two episodes of Oshi no Ko, it is said that Kana is an actress who stands out for being able to cry in 10 seconds.

So much so that Ruby ends up getting confused by the whole phrase that shows her talent:

Confirming if Arima Kana cries in 10 Seconds in Oshi no KoConfirming if Arima Kana cries in 10 Seconds in Oshi no Ko

Finally, in episode 4 we have a scene where Kana has to cry during her performance, and as the first episodes say she can cry in 10 seconds, let’s see if this is confirmed?

In the video above (published on our channel, subscribe please, let’s go to Youtube for real!), we show that, from the moment Aqua’s speech ends, until Kana cries, 10 seconds pass!

She really is a prodigy actress who can cry in 10 seconds huh!

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