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Mahou no Kangofu Magical Nurse: Adult Manga to Use Gender-Neutral Term in Re-release

Mahou no Kangofu Magical Nurse: Adult Manga to Use Gender-Neutral Term in Re-release

Kantou Usagi Gumi is a veteran adult artist who has published several adult manga and doujins, he came to his twitter today to express a concern, he says that he will now have to use a gender neutral term for the title of a classic manga of his.

Mahou no Kangofu Magical Nurse is an adult manga by Kantou Usagi Gumi that was published years and years ago, what happens in the Japanese language is as follows.

The term “看護婦” means nurse and is used only for female nurses, it is a feminine word, but later they came up with the term “看護師”, which is considered a gender neutral term to refer to male and female nurses.

What happens is that according to the author, his classic manga Mahou no Kangofu Magical Nurse, which in the original Japanese is called 魔法の看護婦マジカルナース will be republished with the title of 魔法の看護師マジカルナース, using the genre term neutral for nurses.

It’s a male-oriented adult manga about female nurses, so some people didn’t see the point in this decision by the publisher, which will use the gender-neutral term for the relaunch.

The author was also quite surprised by this decision, and perhaps not quite understanding the reason. Anyway, what do you think?

via: Romly