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Hentai Author Earns a Significant Profit by Selling Manga for 6 Cents

Hentai Author Earns a Significant Profit by Selling Manga for 6 Cents

The virtual store FANZA frequently offers attractive promotions for fans, such as selling hentai manga for just 10 yen. Converted to Brazilian reais, that’s about 6 cents at the current exchange rate.

Recently, a hentai manga author shared the profits generated from one of his old works thanks to this 10-yen promotion.

Hentai Author Earns a Significant Profit by Selling Manga for 6 Cents

Autor Hentai Lucra Bastante ao vender Mangá por 38 Centavos

Hyji, a hentai artist known for his manga featuring motherly themes, had one of his older titles, called Kinjo Yuuwaku Mama Hen Joshou (originally released in 2014), included in the promotion. During this period, the manga was sold for 10 yen (approximately 6 cents), though the original price is 300 yen.

Hentai Author Earns a Significant Profit by Selling Manga for 6 Cents

Hyji shared the results of the sales from this promotion, revealing how much he earned from an old work.

According to Hyji, by selling Kinjo Yuuwaku Mama Hen Joshou for 9 yen, he achieved 26,474 sales during the promotion, generating a total of 238,266 yen. However, this amount is split between the author and FANZA.

In the end, Hyji received 158,844 yen, which is approximately $1090—a considerable sum for a manga that was released in 2014!

For comparison, another manga by Hyji, called Sweeeet Home, which was being sold at 300 yen, generated 6,270 yen from just 38 copies sold.

Kinjo Yuuwaku Mama Hen Joshou

Japanese fans reacted as follows:

“The 10-yen sale sometimes includes works by authors I like, so honestly, it helps a lot.”

“I’d like to see how it would work with 50 yen, so they should try that.”

“Since they’re being pirated anyway, it’s better to sell even for 100 yen.”

“I’m glad to be of help.”

“FANZA takes 70% of adult video sales, but with doujinshi, they’re much more reasonable, huh?”

“It sold like crazy, that’s hilarious.”

“If pirate sites disappeared, how many times would FANZA’s sales increase? It would be insane.”

“If I read something on a pirate site and liked it, and then saw it on sale, I’d buy it.”

“20,000 downloads is amazing.”

“Selling 20,000 copies is rare, right?”

“He’s earning more than from regular sales, that’s funny.”

“Then sell it for 10 yen from the start.”

via: Você Sabia Anime