3 Animes from Aniplex Postponed Episodes
It seems that Aniplex is in a complicated situation, since 3 of its anime this season ended up having episodes postponed!
The official website for Ayakashi Triangle first confirmed that the production staff is delaying new episodes from episode 5 onwards due to “effects of COVID-19” on anime production.
They announced that at a future date they will inform when episode 5 onwards will premiere.
Nier Automata is another Aniplex anime that also suffers from a delay, just like Ayakashi Triangle, it was announced that episode 4 onwards will be delayed due to the impacts of “COVID-19 on the production schedule”.
The anime will re-air the first three episodes again and will announce a future date for episodes 4 onwards.
And finally we have the case of the anime UniteUp! it was announced that the production staff has suffered from COVID-19 in their production schedule and because of this the anime will be postponing episode 4 of the anime to February 11th.
The anime premiered on January 7.
As you can see, there are 3 Aniplex animes being postponed with problems in the production schedule and all claim cases of COVID-19 to justify the postponements.
Obviously fans around the world don’t believe this, as various news of Aniplex filling up with projects and wanting to rush them have been popping up on the internet for a while now, long before these postponements.
Even a meme was created:

Anyway, let’s see how the situation of these three anime unfolds.