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178 Hirokazu Tanakas broke the Guinnes World Record for the largest gathering of people with the same first name and last name

178 Hirokazu Tanakas

Humanity has been breaking records beyond strange, like this one of the boy who broke the world record of sharpening 10 pencils in 3 minutes and 38 seconds: Insane!

But today we’re going to talk about the 178 Hirokazu Tanakas who broke the Guinness World Record for the largest gathering of people with the same first and last name!

On October 29, 178 Hirokazu Tanakas gathered in Tokyo’s Shibuya district. Three-year-old Hirokazu Tanaka, 80, and 32-year-old Hirokazu Tanaka, who came from Hanoi, Vietnam, told the media, ”It’s a very strange feeling. I’m overwhelmed.”

The event was organized by Hirokazu Tanaka, 53, from Tokyo. This was her third attempt to break the record with the first taking place in 2011 and the second in 2017. Her aim was to beat the record set in 2005 by 164 people named Martha Stewart in the USA.

178 Hirokazu Tanakas broke the Guinnes World Record for the largest gathering of people with the same first name and last name

The first two times, Hirokazu Tanaka tried to match people with the same kanji characters, but this time he broadened the search to anyone with the same pronunciation.

The move was successful and pushed them to the top. Hirokazu Tanaka said of the achievement: ”I was able to set a ridiculous example of being the best in the world, just by showing up.”

He founded the Hirokazu Tanakas Eponymous Association, which aims to raise awareness of how people can become friends over something as trivial as having the same name. He worked to find other Hirokazu Tanakas, including placing advertisements in major newspapers across the country.

Born in 2019, this Hirokazu Tanaka is a new addition to the lineup:

178 hirokazu tanakas

He then had to ensure that the 178 Hirokazu Tanakas stayed in the designated theater for at least five minutes for the record to be made official. There, everyone gave each other nicknames to help distinguish ”Douor Hirokazu Tanaka” from ”Al Allijo Hirokazu Tanaka” who likes to eat al allijo.

From left to right: Composer Hirokazu ”Chip” Tanaka, Kind of Secretary Hirokazu Tanaka, Record Hirokazu Tanaka, Shibuya Hirokazu Tanaka, WEB Hirokazu Tanaka, Stop Stop Hirokazu Tanaka, Social Worker Hirokazu Tanaka, Movie Hirokazu Tanaka, Science Hirokazu Tanaka , Laser Hirokazu Tanaka and engineer Hirokazu Tanaka:

178 hirokazu tanakas

A foto acima foi tirada na gravação de ”Hirokazu Tanaka Song”

And that’s how the 178 Hirokazu Tanakas broke the world record for the largest gathering of people with the same first and last name. With hard work, Hirokazu Tanaka got there.

Source: SoraNews24