Crazy for Anime Trivia

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Strage Japan

15-year-old girl stabs two people to see if they really would die

15-year-old girl stabs two people to see if they really would die

A 15-year-old girl was arrested in Japan after sneaking up behind a 53-year-old woman and her 19-year-old daughter who were on the streets of Shibuya and stabbed them both.

The girl came from behind and stabbed the 53-year-old woman and her daughter in the back, the wound was serious.

According to police, after the mother was stabbed, she somehow managed to restrict the 15-year-old girl’s movements, after which she and her daughter were taken to the hospital and told they are conscious.

To the police the girl admitted the crime and said that she had no relationship with the two people she had stabbed. Simply having seen them on the street and decided to attack them.

The scary part of this case comes now, she revealed that she wants to kill her own family, but wanted to know before if a person really dies when stabbed. To the police she admitted that she wants to receive the death penalty.

According to reports, no domestic problems were found in the girl’s family, who lives in Saitama, north of Tokyo.