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KonoRano 2023: How to vote for your favorite Light Novel

KonoRano 2023

Today we are going to show you how to vote for your favorite light novel.

For those who don’t know, KonoRano is an annual light novel guide published by Takarajimasha where a list of 10 most popular light novels and characters is released according to an internet poll.

how to vote for your favorite light novel

There is an introduction to each work, as well as an interview with the first-place author. Many of the novels cited in the magazine are adapted into anime.

How to vote for your favorite light novel

You will vote for a series of Light Novels that came out between September 1, 2021 and August 31 of that year, and you will be able to vote on 5 titles counting: 3 female characters, 3 male characters and 3 illustrators.

To participate, you will need to enter the voting site, scroll down until you see the space where you will enter the password which is ”konorano”, and this will take you to a questionnaire:

how to vote for your favorite light novel

In the quiz, you will first vote for a novel. From top to bottom reads title, author and a comment:

how to vote for your favorite light novel

Now it’s time to vote for the favorite or most impressive female characters: From top to bottom read the character’s name, which series she is from and finally a comment.

how to vote for your favorite light novel

Now let’s move on to voting for the favorite or most impressive male characters. It’s the same rule, from top to bottom you read the character’s name, which series he is from and a comment.

how to vote for your favorite light novel

And voting for your favorite illustrator is also the same. From top to bottom reads the illustrator’s name, which series he draws and a comment.

how to vote for your favorite light novel

How to vote for your favorite light novel: Final Steps

Now that you know how to vote for your favorite Light Novel, all you need to do is fill in a few spaces with your personal data such as name, address, gender, etc. First we have the nickname you use online and then your email address.

how to vote for your favorite light novel

Here we have gender: Male, Female, Different

how to vote for your favorite light novel

What age are you?

how to vote for your favorite light novel

Approximate number of light novel volumes read per year:

how to vote for your favorite light novel

And finally, you will say if it is the first time you are participating in the vote or not. From top to bottom reads the first time, second time, I participate after a while without voting, I participate almost every year and I have participated since 2004.

how to vote for your favorite light novel

Now that you know how to vote for your favorite Light Novel, don’t waste time as the voting period ends on September 25th. The winning works have a great chance of receiving an anime adaptation in the future.