Crazy for Anime Trivia

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Classroom of the Elite 2 Ending Shows Power Levels?

Classroom of the Elite 2 Ending Shows Power Levels

The second season of Classroom of the Elite is going by with some pretty ugly animation and soon one of the most interesting parts of the series, when a character will become a favorite of many people.

The anime’s ending may seem silly, as it shows several characters on different rungs on a ladder, but does it have any special meaning?

There are fans who believe that each character’s place on the ladder symbolizes the “power levels” of each character in the series, the higher on the ladder, the more powerful, the lower the less powerful and this makes a lot of sense when comparing some characters..

Classroom of the Elite 2 Ending Shows Power Levels
Classroom of the Elite 2 Ending Shows Power Levels

If we take into account the location of each one on the ladder, they would be distributed like this:

  • Ayanokouji
  • Arisu
  • Ryuuen
  • Ichinose
  • Hiyori
  • Horikita – Kushida – Sae – Chie
  • Mio
  • Ibuki
  • Kei

In the case of Kushida, Sae and Chie it’s hard to pinpoint accurately as we don’t see their feet exactly, but as the fan comments, it would be really cool if as the season progresses, the characters change the steps.

via: Latif

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