Crazy for Anime Trivia

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Anonymity for Illustrators may end and cause future problems

Anonymity for Illustrators may end and cause future problems

If there is one thing that the Japanese value a lot, especially illustrators, it is their anonymity on the internet, but this anonymity for Illustrators may end because of a new law.

What’s been happening is the following, there is a new (idiot) law in Japan, which will now force all freelance artists to participate in it, the idiotic part of the law is that it will be possible for literally anyone to find out the real name of an illustrator.

Basically when an artist receives a work, they will have a tax ID, which will be a number, the dumb part of the law is that this number is fully searchable on the official website, and it reveals real information about the person.

Anonymity for Illustrators may end and cause future problems

So it’s no use using a pseudonym on the internet, because your tax number is linked to your real name, which is searchable. This can lead to cyber bullying.

A person who no longer likes an artist can simply hire him to do an illustration, and get the tax number on the transaction, search the official website and find out the real name of that illustrator and thus find out where he works most and such.

The Skeb platform is against this new law, but what do you think?

We hope that now that some defenders of free speech and manga have been elected, that they will fight for the interests of artists.

Crazy for Anime Trivia is a site originally in Brazilian Portuguese, this post is an Machine translation. Want to help? Send uns a email at [email protected] (Please be patient as we may take some time to respond).

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