Crazy for Anime Trivia

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SPYxFAMILY logo is different between Japan and USA

SPYxFAMILY logo is different between Japan and USA

Did you know that SPYxFAMILY Logo is different between Japan and USA? But from what I’ve seen, this is only valid in the manga. Even before the anime debuts, the SPY x FAMILY manga is being published in several countries besides Japan.

And a nice thing is that at least in the English version of the manga, they managed to change the brand, making it more beautiful than the original version (at least in my opinion).

SPYxFAMILY logo is different between Japan and USA

Below you can see the official brand, this is how the name SPYxFAMILY appears on the covers of the Japanese editions of the manga:

SPYxFAMILY logo is different between Japan and USA

In the US, Viz Media managed to change the logo a little, on the M, they put the silhouettes of Loid, Anya and Yor to form the letter for FAMILY:

SPYxFAMILY logo is different between Japan and USA


Which one do you prefer? The version with the normal M or did you like the shadow of the characters in the M?

The first part of the Spy x Family manga ended this past weekend with its 12th episode. The second part is already confirmed to premiere in October this year.

SPYxFAMILY synopsis

Corrupt politicians, frenzied nationalists, and other warmongering forces constantly jeopardize the thin veneer of peace between neighboring countries Ostania and Westalis. In spite of their plots, renowned spy and master of disguise “Twilight” fulfills dangerous missions one after another in the hope that no child will have to experience the horrors of war.

In the bustling Ostanian city of Berlint, Twilight dons the alias of “Loid Forger,” an esteemed psychiatrist. However, his true intention is to gather intelligence on prominent politician Donovan Desmond, who only appears rarely in public at his sons’ school: the prestigious Eden Academy. Enlisting the help of unmarried city hall clerk Yor Briar to act as his wife and adopting the curious six-year-old orphan Anya as his daughter, Loid enacts his master plan. He will enroll Anya in Eden Academy, where Loid hopes she will excel and give him the opportunity to meet Donovan without arousing suspicion.

Unfortunately for Loid, even a man of his talents has trouble playing the figure of a loving father and husband. And just like Loid is hiding his true identity, Yor—who is an underground assassin known as “Thorn Princess”—and Anya—an esper who can read people’s minds—have no plans to disclose their own secrets either. Although this picture-perfect family is founded on deception, the Forgers gradually come to understand that the love they share for one another trumps all else.

Crazy for Anime Trivia is a site originally in Brazilian Portuguese, this post is an Machine translation. Want to help? Send uns a email at [email protected] (Please be patient as we may take some time to respond).

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