Crazy for Anime Trivia

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Japan: Police arrest group that practiced voyeurism for 30 years

Police arrest group that practiced voyeurism for 30 years

For those who don’t know, basically voyeurism is when a person feels pleasure when observing a naked person, and recently the Shizuoka police arrested a group that practiced voyeurism for 30 years.

Police arrest group that practiced voyeurism for 30 years

The group’s leader said he had filmed more than 10,000 people without consent in different locations across Japan. This practice brought him into contact with another 100 voyeurs over the years.

Shizuoka Police showed the equipment that the group used all this time, there were various types of lenses, tripods and camouflage equipment, they used all this equipment to film outdoor bathing areas in hot springs up to 100 or 200 meters high. distance.

In Japan, the practice of filming someone in hiding is known as ”tosatsu”. These are footages for the private use of those who make them, but they can also be sold through websites specialized in the subject.

This group began to operate collaboratively only in the spring of 2021, after first meeting a few years earlier through a tosatsu website. The members even held screenings to share their footage with each other.

Via: Yomiuri

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