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Demon Slayer was the most watched anime of 2022

Demon Slayer was the most watched anime of 2022

If anyone had any doubts about the success of the Demon Slayer anime, that ends now, as data released on Japanese TV viewership shows that the second season of Demon Slayer was the most watched anime in 2022.

According to data that were released, the second season of Demon Slayer reached an average of 18.43 million viewers in 2022, with episode 10 having 25.5 million viewers and episode 11 having 25.97 million viewers.

Another interesting fact is that Demon Slayer film, Mugen Train, had 28.96 million viewers, a number consistent with the TV audience, which shows that those who watch the anime are watching the film fixedly.

As a curiosity, Demon Slayer was also the most watched anime in 2021.
