Crazy for Anime Trivia

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Couples annoy neighbors with noisy sex

Couples annoy neighbors with noisy sex

Having sex is a very noisy activity that can annoy neighbors, couples annoy neighbors precisely because of that.

The noise made the neighbors quite angry and this led to a series of angry notes about the sexual activity of these couples in a guest house. Anyway, without further ado, let’s take a look at these neighbors’ notes:

Couples annoy neighbors with noisy sex

”The sound of your girlfriend moaning and spanking is very annoying, so please at least close the window when you have sex”

Couples annoy neighbors with noisy sex

”Don’t play grown-up stuff late at night. His wife’s moans are audible from the side. Turn the volume down!”

Couples annoy neighbors with noisy sex

This one says they took video outside someone’s house recording their loud moans during sex on Friday night.

Couples annoy neighbors with noisy sex

Anyway, thin walls are a problem for couples.

Source: Twitter

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